Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to make this work

When people upset me I stuff those feelings down over and over again.  To pretend all is well when my insides are falling apart is an art form I have mastered.  Releasing those stuffed feelings is NOT something that comes natural to me.  I won't let a soul know that I have stuffed over and over again, but once the time is right everyone will know loud and clear that I have indeed had enough.
I know when I am getting to my full mark because I start to build a wall in the hopes of putting off the inevitable.  I hide behind the stuff that I have STUFFED instead of being honest about the way I really feel for fear of upsetting others.  I hide behind it. 
I need to ask myself what it is that I really want!  What will make things better?  If I cant answer that then I know that I need to change something.  My bar is set way to high for others to even reach, making it impossible for anyone to measure up and satisfy my need.  So the tension keeps building, boiling even. 
Finding out what I really want will help me to "cut through the emotion and focus on a good solution" .  Getting past being a stuffer can be done if I am willing to change my focus and retrain my thought patterns.  God will help me as long as I seek him in a big way!!   Sometimes I forget to go to God in the first place.  The way I process things now isn't working.  My actions are based on my emotions not on reality.  Changing my focus should help me to develop new habits.  Leaning on God more and listening to him instead of myself will also help me.  I do need a good set of directions to do this. My BIBLE is a wonderful manual that is packed full of truths that I can count on.  My bible sets the foundation for my manual.  Its the core of my procedure manual.  Once that is locked into place the sub titles will follow.  For now I figure I need a starting point and I love they way Lysa Terkeurst lays out her procedure manual.  I love each direction so for now I will try and use her steps.  I have a great outline to follow.  The insides of my manual may change but the core will always remain the same.  4 simple steps......

Remember who you are....
Redirect your focus to Jesus....
Recognize God's job isn't my job....
Recite thanks and praises to God....

I love these four R's

I have to share another quote from Lysa that speaks volumes to me "My reactions determine my reach"  Love this !!!

Chapter 7 is amazing. I love the idea of Positioning my heart in the flow of Gods power. If I surrender to Gods will then the rest will fall into place. The bible is nothing but truth. Having a strong foundation built on the truth of Christ has to give us power. It will backup and encourage every thought we have. Thats power thats strength. Thats God!! Its funny how some procedure manuals get outdated and have to be revised, but not my Bible. Its information never is outdated. When our thoughts change about a scripture that we had read before and it took on a new meaning to us thats just God doing maintance on us based on where we are in him. The words dont ever change but he changes our focus. As long as we let him!


  1. Good post. I feel that same bubbling when I have stuffed too much. I'm trying to learn to turn to God before I get to that place.

  2. Love your post. Yes, I found the flow on Monday, lost on Wednesday, hoping it comes back today. Have a great week.

  3. Love this! You are so right, Bible is never outdated!!!!
