Thursday, October 4, 2012



Sometimes it does feel like I am a prisoner.  A prisoner of my own thoughts and feelings.  You can feel so locked up WITHOUT those bars.  We tend to label others based on where WE think they might have been.  We label them and place them on the shelf of our choice.  I am guilty here.  To have a label define someone is terrible but we do it often with out even a second thought. The more we let others label us the easier it is to BELIEVE how others perceive us.  I have even labeled myself with things that have had a negative impact in my life.  We tend to believe what we feel.  We are so attached to the emotion that it becomes had to separate.  That old saying about sticks and stones and names will never hurt us isn't true in my eyes.  Names do HURT.  So before we try and label others we need to pay attention to the emotions that might be tied to it.  Another thought here is that God labels us as his children.  He puts the real label on us and he seals it with his promises.  If you, if I feel the label of Gods love LET him stick it on.  Don't tear it off and don't let others pull it off.  Lets Gods label stay. 

"Oh God chisel me.  I don't want to be locked in my hard places forever" ~ Lysa Terkeurst
I love this word picture.  Can you imagine our God shaping us into who we are really supposed to be.  Taking out the bad spots and letting the new in to take it's place.  We can't just get rid of everything in our life that hinders us.  If we did we would be left with holes.  We need to replace those holes with good.  The right stuff.  God stuff.  Then we can become a whole person again.  So as I allow God to "Chisel" may I trust his craftsmanship.


  1. Lisa - I LOVE this post!! Thank you, I needed to read this before I went to bed tonight!!!

    1. Your welcome, I am glad it spoke to you, sweet dreams sister.
